Monday 15 November 2010

Article in Progress

Hello Eskay, what can I say! That was a jaw-dropping performance, how do you feel right now?
I can still feel the adrenaline I get when I ’m about to go up on stage, the feeling is incredible; I want it to last forever!
Is this your first time performing at Stratford Circus?
No it’s not actually. I’ve performed here quite a few times in the past couple of years. My first time was when I was 14 I performed one of my first songs, it was called ‘Mystery’. It was about not knowing what was going to happen to me ext or if tomorrow is going to come so that’s what inspired my song. I then did a two year project with Urban Development. I was in a girl group called KEN; we performed songs called ‘Wont Stop’ and ‘Right Here’; both songs written by the group. I think this experience really helped me develop as an artist and it was also at Urban Development that I got scouted by Producer Darren Martyn who produced hit singles like ‘Crush’ sung by famous U.K artist ‘Fugative’ who is now writing music for artists in America, so that really inspires me to work hard and to be grateful to those who helped me reach where I am today.
In what ways did this gig differ to your last in Edinburgh?
Mmm, Edinburgh was much more exciting because it was fresh and new and I knew I had to be outstanding since it was my first time there. I mean I love to make a good impression, especially when its a new fan base I’m trying to reach out to
Everyone thinks you’re wonderful, but we somehow get the impression your days are long. Want to talk us through it?
LOL okay, I’ll be glad to...
I wake up at 5 for my daily 20minute jog. It’s important to keep fit. I then return to my house at about 05:30am to have my nutritious packed breakfast. Breakfast hasn’t always been important to me, but as I got older & started the music business I realised the impact it would have on me if I did forget to have breakfast at around 7 I made my way to my dance rehearsal, only to find that my dancers went to another hall so I had to wait an extra 30mins for their arrival. Instead of sitting around ad waiting I decided to practice on my own like my mum used to say "PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT". Finally, at 8 my dancers arrived, and we had to get started as soon as possible. Rehearsals finished at 10:30am, was I knackered or what! I went back home and got a couple of hours to sleep, my vocal trainer then came to my house to get me warmed up for the show.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good start-I look forward to reading the finished article.
