Monday 27 September 2010

Britney Front Page Analysis'

The image has been cropped from her head to her thighs. They used a medium long shot so there’s more emphasis on her torso. Although she’s holding a teddy bear the photo’s quite sexual. Britney is wearing pyjamas; a black bra and polka dot briefs. Her pyjamas’ look more like underwear but the fact that she’s wearing briefs makes it less sexual however the material is silk which can be seen as sexy. This could be appealing to little girls who might aspire to be like her, but what is she teaching them: To be sexual, seductive & innocent? It could also be appealing to men because even though she looks young she looks very sexy but, there could be a very paedophilic subliminal message because if men and young teenagers find Britney attractive when she looks like a little girl, this could become an ideal image of women even when they do grow old. So this could also be promoting paedophilic behaviours. She is holding a telephone and a teletubby. The teletubby helps emphasise the innocent image that she’s trying to portray and the telephone could symbolise that she’s speaking to a lover on the phone because she’s lying on a silk covered bed half naked which suggests she is in a private place, also the phone is a landline. The image is set in her bedroom. She’s lying on a silk covered bed which can seem a bit seductive. This images suggests that she’s slightly eroctic. There’s an intertextuality message in this image. She’s in the photo however she’s holding another known product. This could be some kind of promotion for the product or just a way for her to portray her innocence.They’ve used a lot of pink, which is stereotypically known as a feminine colour. It makes her look very girly and like a young typical American girl.
    The image has been cropped so that you can see her ‘grown-up’ body from her head to her bum. They’ve used a medium long shot, so not too much is hidden but, enough is shown. Britney’s wearing 'next to nothing'; just very small knickers. Her pose is very sexual and seductive; she's pushing her bum out making herself look curvacious, she's pressing her chest against the wall whilst holding a white shirt to almost make herself seem modest. It seems as though Britney wants to create a more intimate relationship with the reader. The image also suggests that she wants the reader to see her as sexier, grown up and independent. The image looks as if its set in a bedroom. The image is quite bright and the baic colour used is white which could imply purity and innocence.

    This image is a close up of Britney which puts emphasis on the fact that were getting 'up close & bothered'. The image is also in black and white which could indicate the type of problems shes having in her life are making her feel a bit down and grey. The colours are very significant because it's indicating that she's kind of in a dark place at the moment and, or that she's seeing the world in either a black or white perspective. The image has been cropped up close to her face and Britneys face is the only focus, this suggests that Britney's aim was to make sure people saw her for who she really was instead of using her body to portray what kind of person she was trying to be and to attract certain audiences. The picture was also cropped in this way so you can easily read Britneys feelings from her facial expressions. Before you even pick up the magazine you directly knew that it was a 'sob story' by Britney. Britney was trying to create a sympathetic bond with the audience, we know this by her teary facial expression in addition to that the anchorage text 'inside an american tradegy' directly gave it away.

1 comment:

  1. Well written-some good points-you have picked up well on the slightly suspect 'paedophilic' undertones of the first image. You have also picked up on the idea of the development of Britney's career-but you could have made this more explicit in your writing. I liked the way you rationalised the choice of black and white for the final image. Well done Nina.
